Monday, March 30, 2009

Yummy part 2...

Sweet potatoes were a success. I mean he ate a few spoonfuls and we had no bad reaction, so I was happy. Today we started avocados. I know, I would never think of avocado for a baby. A few of my friends had mentioned it so I did some research and it is highly recommended as a "first food" for infants! I used the magic bullet (food processor) again and pureed a large slice with some breast milk. Wow! He is just nuts for them. He kept lunging at the spoon with his mouth wide open. He never did that for cereal or sweet potatoes! Sweet! Finally I have an excuse to buy avocados! It was nice to "split" lunch aka I got to have avocado on my salad =)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yum yum...

He LOVED his first time in his high chair!(He nearly threw himself out of his bebe pod yesterday while eating cereal) Justin's 1st veggie and mommy's first attempt at homemade baby food. Sweet potatoes! (if you click the collage it will get full sized)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sitting up

Justin started being able to hold himself up last week. I'm not gonna lie, about 50% of the time he starts to leeeeeean then plop he loses it. It helps if he has something to do (like his toy) because as soon as he gets distracted, it's over =)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Future Heartbreakers

Here are Justin and his older (7 months old) cousin Rory. They are total opposites when it comes to looks but they are gonna be a great team someday!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Band in my Living Room...

This video is about a week old but we were having some technical difficulties with our camera. Justin and Jody crack me up. They are such an adorable pair. Jody is such a fun, sweet, loving daddy and Justin just gets the biggest smiles playing with him. Here are the 2 of them playing Rock Band. Watch Justin's little feet go... he is so excited to be doing what daddy is doing.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Down on the farm

Justin had his 4mth check up yesterday. Sadly that meant 4 vaccines into those sweet chubby thighs. He is 17bs 6 oz now. The Dr says he's extremely strong and alert. The shots really must have pooped him out because as I type this at 9am, he's still asleep- usually he's up by 7:30.

We spent the baby's 1st St Patrick's day at his Papa's farm. Of course he's been there before but never out to the barns. In lieu of the nice weather we let him meet some of the animals. Boy was he fascinated.

Friday, March 13, 2009

4 months

What a difference a year can make! We had an ultrasound this week last year and he just looked like a teeny,tiny shrimp- literally. Now just look at this gorgeous little boy...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A couple of "big boy" updates...

Tomorrow my little sweetpea turns 4 months old- I can't believe it. He is starting to get so smart and alert.

Now he holds his own bottle...(ok just for a few seconds, lol)

He got his first "big boy" sneakers today... (Deal alert for moms; Stride Rites for $10 at Marshalls!)

Also, I've been using Jody's old shirts (seriously- old like from Rue21 old, he never throws anything out) to make PJ pants for the baby. Here is my (sleepy) little model below in his favorite pair...

In case I haven't said it 7 million times, being a mommy is the BEST!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Mmmm yummy

Before the big news- a little update. My baby has his first crush. He is head over heels for the baby on the wipe box. Whenever I change him I put the wipes right next to his head and he just stares/talks to that baby. It's quite adorable.

Now, the toughest thing about raising a baby is that they all develop differently. There is no "set-in-stone" time to accomplish things. So when I tried to research starting cereal I found about 300 different opinions. There are moms who start babies at 6 weeks. There are moms who swear- only breast milk til 6 months. I think I knew, in my mommy gut that he was ready. I tested just a plain baby spoon in his mouth and he didn't push it out with his tongue. He has been an "assisted sitter" for weeks now, he shows interest in our food when he eats, and he has been nursing every 2 hours- it's getting exhausting. He's a big boy and a big eater. I wanted to give it a go. On the cereal box it has "1st feeding" instructions which basically tell you to (super)water it down with breast milk. It basically looked like very barely thickened milk. I only had him try a few baby spoonfuls but it went pretty well.

Not sure he liked the taste at first...

Then I just let him play with the spoon for a little bit...