Thursday, September 24, 2009

Little boy

Yes, before you continue, just know that this is another one of those sappy "they grow up so fast" entries =)

I've been feeling extra sentimental as I start the plans for Justin's 1st birthday. This has been THE fastest year of my life- ever. I always peek in on Justin before I go to bed. Just to give him an extra kiss and make sure he has a blanket still on. While last night I welled up with tears. He was wearning this little Buzz lightyear pajama set. He was sleeping on his belly with 1 arm above his head, gripping his teddy bear with the other arm, mouth wide open. He looked so sweet, so handsome and so much like a little boy. Yep. Like a little boy- not like a little baby. As much as I have that "itch" to have a little baby again. I don't think I would like one for awhile now. I am LOVING this time with Justin and I "alone" as he grows up. I think every baby deserves that time before the next comes. I wouldn't trade my time with him for anything in the world.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

double digits!!!

10 months old. WOW. I just can't believe it. Once again I find myself saying that this is the age I would keep him at forever. He has SUCH a personality and keeps me laughing all day long.

Maybe I'm biased because I'm his mom but I think he is super intelligent. He is developing more skills everyday and it's sooo awesome to watch the "gears turn" when he looks at something. We have this reading lamp on our bed and he knows how to turn the little dial to make it go on. He actually plays with his toys, like he'll push his trucks around making a motor noise. He will throw you the ball if you ask him. He "talks" pretty much every waking moment. He says Dada, BaBa, Mama and Book (if you're lucky). He's cruising the furniture like an old pro. He also "walks" on his knees, it's adorable. He walks around the house pushing his highchair and babbling away. It's a little scary that everything in our house within 3 feet of the floor is fair game. He's been doing his "no-no" trick for about 2 or 3 weeks now. If you ask him a question he shakes his head back and forth- for "no". He's working on waving and has perfected "gimme five" this week. I'm putting my foot down and limiting his TV so he is allowed about 15 mins a day- just enough time for me to make my coffee! It's funny because he doesn't even seem to like TV. He only likes the theme songs, then he crawls away to play, I'm relieved. Here is Mr Gorgeous this morning.

Monday, August 24, 2009

9 month appt

Today Justin had his 9 month appt. He is meeting/exceeding all his milestones so I, of course, was beaming with pride. He had to get 3 more vaccines. The good news is that many vaccines come in series of 3 so this was the end of those. He also got his blood tested for iron and lead. He is in the 95th percentile for height at 30inches and the 75th percentile for weight at 22.1 lbs. Once we got home his Godmother was waiting with presents for him b/c he has so many shots. Lots of super cute fall clothes. Speaking of Jess, I was just telling her today that I would keep Justin this age forever if I could. He cracks me up all day long. Justin is just motoring all over the house, "talking" away- he has the sweetest little personality. Yeah, he's still a little needy but I see a light at the end of that tunnel. He'll get there.

There have been some other big changes. We're officially weaning. Right now he only nurses before bed and when he first wakes up.Justin is doing great taking to the formula. I, am not taking it as well. It's been very depressing but I'm just time for the both of us to give it up, I know in my gut. Also, we decided to let Justin cry it out before bed. This was something I was very, very, very against. I still don't think it's a good idea for babies under 6 mths but he was ready. He was a fantastic sleeper...til he learned to stand in the crib. We were doing a Ferber approach where you go in every few minutes, soothe the baby and then let him cry but it was a huge fail. Every time I walked away he was standing up screaming, shaking the crib before I could get out the door. One night this went on for 1 hour and 45 mins on the muggiest night of the year. We were both so sweaty and frustrated. Thanks to good advice from a friend we decided to skip the soothing. Before you judge me as a meanie- know that I did peak in on him every few mins to make sure he was alright. I just couldn't let him see me. The 1st day he cried about 30 mins and then slumped over asleep sitting up. The next nap, about 20 mins. The time kept decreasing and decreasing. Now, I swear it's changed my life as a mom. At night I read him a story, give him a kiss and lay him down. He grabs his teddy bear, rolls over and falls asleep. It's like a miracle. He has also outgrown his ninny (that's a paci to you non-White family ppl). He hasn't used it in 2 weeks.

I say it all the time, my little boy is growing up...and I love every second.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


9 months... that's 3/4 of a year. Holy crap. Our sweet little guy turned 9 months old today. I did attempt this usual photo shoot but it's almost impossible these days. Not only does he want to destroy the paper but he can crawl after it if I move it. Yes, he's exhausting but he is so, so, so much fun. He eats everything in sight and always wants what we're eating; lasagna, burgers, ribs, steamed broccoli... seriously, everything. His bi-coastal trip went okay. I'm not gonna lie. Infants adjusting to a time change is quite a challenge. He has 6 teeth now. 2 on bottom, 4 on top. He calls everyone and everything "da da". He also "says" mama, baba, gaga, ah da (sounds like all done) and tika tika. He knows how to pull himself to standing and he crawls SO fast now. His current hobbies include; chasing the cat around the house, climbing the furniture/cabinets, swimming in Grandma Linda's pool, biting mom, watching Handy Manny, laughing at dad and reading upside down books.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This one's for auntie...

Here's a special request from Justin's auntie. She asked me to post this video. He thinks she's hilarious =)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Well, Justin's been crawling for about a week or so. Now he's gotten a good solid speed down so I wanted to post the video. We've been calling him Justin "danger" White b/c now that he can crawl- he wants to explore everything. I've caught him trying to climb furniture, the walls and the kitchen cupboards. He also loves to get into things. If I turn my head for even a minute, he's taking everything off of any shelf he can reach and this morning he found his diaper bag and "unpacked" it. It's been really exhausting but so, so fun and adorable. His front teeth are almost all the way through now too! My little baby is growing up too fast!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

8 months old!

Look at that big boy! Honestly, he is the cutest most lovable thing I've ever seen! His 2 "fangs" have broken the skin and now he's starting on a front tooth. That bring him to a total of 5 (well, 4 1/2 right now- haha). He has snapped out of teething nightmare mode back into my sweet little baby again...thank God. Yesterday he had his first Fisher Price photo shoot. What a fun experience! Everyone there was incredibly nice and good with him. He was so handsome and smiley but he wasn't too "into" the toy- he just wanted to chew on it. I'd say our chances of getting chosen are pretty slim to none. I'm still proud of him =)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

We're still here...

I slapped myself on the wrist- bad blogger, I know...

Like I've mentioned before it just seems so much easier to update on facebook and 99% of my "readers" have it. I'm not going to lie- it's been a tough couple of weeks in the world of Baby Justin. His 1st 2 teeth came in April with a little touch of fussiness. These 2 teeth... whoa mama. Ever since I noticed the inflamed bumps- I have had a baby attached to my hip. Don't get me wrong, we still have some great days and I love being with him. I just feel so terrible for him. I've read that teething is a pain that adults would never be able to handle. 1 tooth just popped through. 3 down a whole bunch more to go...

He's started to snuggle himself down for most naps. I'll lay him down and I'll hear him "talking" to his teddy bear or grunting a little, then all the sudden he's dozed off. He's turned into a side sleeper which is cute b.c. he always wakes up with crazy hair and bed lines on his face. Oh, yeah- big news, no more swaddle! It's been about a week and a half. I just decided to go cold turkey and it went pretty well.

He eats everything in sight. The second he catches sight of my dinner, he wants to share. Jody and I tend to eat pretty healthy dinner so it's okay. Last night for dinner he had veggie lasagna and roasted cauliflower. I'm still in shock myself that I'm still breastfeeding. His new teeth have caused him to become quite a biter so I think we may be nearing the end of that era.

Still no crawling. He is still up on all 4s and now he does this little squat thrust thing where he kinda jumps both feet forward. He is very good about crawling backwards and in circles.

He is a little fishie, he LOVES water. Jess and I got him this little Target pool and when it's nice (you know for 5 mins) he "swims" like twice a day. My friend Amy had this great suggestion in her blog about letting the baby take a bath in a laundry basket. I know it sounds silly but he was just huge for the infant tub and the "real" bathtub is just too big and too slippery for my liking right now. I'll end this blog with an embarrassing picture to illustrate =)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

7 months old!

Our gorgeous little sweetheart is 7 months old already! I always say that time is flying but on the other hand he is getting more and more fun everyday. It's so entertaining to watch his explore/learn. He has mastered putting food into his own mouth, it's just the cutest thing! He loves being outside. I sit his little bebe pod chair on the lawn while I work on the garden and he just reaches over, petting the grass, happy as could be. He is really showing a preference toward toys that make sounds/music. We made 2 big switches in the last few weeks. He's in his "big boy" carseat and he went down to 2 naps, instead of 3.

Like I mentioned the other day, he can really motor (scooting) backwards. I have tried putting EVERYTHING in front of him to try to get crawl/move forward; me, the kitty, food, his favorite toys... the only thing that has really motivated him- the "7 months old" sign.

Success! (not with crawling- just with stealing the sign. Once he got it he flopped right onto his back and started "eating" it.)

Friday, June 12, 2009

The dreaded "car nap"...

You'd think that with a baby- anytime you can get them to nap is great, right? Oooh you are mistaken. A "car nap" is a little refresher for an exhausted baby who needs either bed or a "real" nap. It's like an exhausted adult having a shot of expresso. Sure, you feel better but you're bound to crash.

Last night the baby and I went out to dinner with the girls(yay, fun!) until about 7:30pm. I tried my hardest to keep him awake in the car- but even with the radio blaring and my awful singing he slept almost the entire 30 minutes home. Now that he's in his "big boy" carseat, it's tough to get him out without waking him. As soon as we got into the house he was wide awake ready to play at his normal 8:00pm bedtime. I guess I can't blame him. In his mind he had napped and was all set with sleep for awhile. He finally fell asleep around 10:00. The weird thing about Justin is that the later he goes to sleep, the earlier he gets up. I know, I know- it makes no sense but it's proven right every time. Usually he sleeps about 8pm- 6:45am. This morning he was up squealing and playing at 4:40am. I tried feeding him, rocking him...nope- wide awake. Being the excellent mom that I am (lol) I brought him into our room in his highchair. I put on a Disney movie and put some "nummy" puffs on his tray so I could get just a few minutes more sleep. I HATE naps, I think they're such a waste of time. However, I've learned that when it's still dark out, even just 15 more minutes of sleep makes a huge difference.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Quick Updates...

Oh sheesh- I've really fallen behind. The problem is that 99% of family/friends have facebook now so most of his pics go on there. Plus, we have been so lucky to spend lots of time with family lately so they get the updates in person =)It's been almost 3 weeks, my worst "blogging gap" yet. I got in trouble last night so I'll do a little update.

Justin will be 7 months old next week- I can't believe it! He's still rocking just 2 teeth...

He's trying his hardest to crawl. He's scooting backward, which is cute. His Godmother is trying to find new ways to teach him

He took his first official vacation- to Disney. He was such a good boy. He reeeally loved the pools.

He was baptized 5/31 and had a wonderful lunch/party after with all of your family.

His 2 new favorite things to eat are Gerber "puffs" and his big toe

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Why do we buy baby toys?

I've been meaning to post this video- it's about 2 weeks old. Jody discovered that the baby just loves this old measuring tape I had in my sewing stuff...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

6 month checkup

Justin's 6 month checkup went well. I mean, besides the fact that we had to spend 45 minutes in the waiting room- that was pretty annoying. He weighed in at 20.0 lbs which puts him at the 92nd percentile. His height was 28.5 inches which puts him above the 99th percentile. Developmentally, everything is going well. The stethoscope, the tape measure, the flashlight- he tried to pull them all the Dr tools into in his mouth. He's added, "mmmm ma ma, mmmm ma, ma, ma and bababababa" to his little gurglings. He was up at 4:30 yesterday- I was so mad & exhausted. Then all the sudden I hear "ma, ma, ma..." down the hall and it just melted my heart. We go to a group practice so it was a new Dr we met with. She tried to tell me that all infants should have their own airplane seats so they don't get "jostled around" if there's turbulence. I'm sorry, but I'm not paying $200 for a 2 and a half hour direct flight when he can sit on my lap just fine. Maybe I should have asked if she'd loan me the money =)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I have a 6 month old! I know I've said it before but this time is flying by. I remember when I would just put the "I'm ___ months" sign in front of him and snap a pic. Haha- yeah. Now it's a struggle to not get him to eat the sign. He is getting so big, so handsome, so smart, so strong and just better every day.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a really great Mother's Day. We hosted breakfast for our moms/grandmas (with Dave & Amy) at our house. Then Jody, Justin and I just relaxed all day, then we ordered Chinese. It was fantastic! I dressed Justin in a "Mom's #1 fan shirt", from Old Navy. Now that's he "moves" and is so squirmy he never really likes to cuddle, unless it's first thing in the morning. Well, today I laid down in the back bedroom when everyone left. He cuddled right into me and fell asleep. He hasn't done that in months- it was so awesome.

Friday, May 1, 2009

da da da da da da daaa

Ever since Justin got his new teeth a few weeks ago, he's really taken his baby babbling/"talking" to a new level. Right now everything is da da. It is so adorable. When he's excited his eyes get really big and he whispers "da da da". When I lay him down for a nap and he gets mad he yells "da daaaaaa". Well you get the point. It was pretty funny trying to convince the 17 year old boy at Old Navy that the baby doesn't know what he's saying yet, after he looked and him and started his "da da da".

Oh and he's obsessed with his tongue. My sister kind took some great pics of him last weekend. Well has him with his tongue out- what a little goof.

Friday, April 24, 2009

My other "baby"...

I try to keep this blog light and silly most of the time but today I'm feeling really sentimental. My little brother turns 16 this weekend...holy sh!t. (Jake- I'm sorry if you read this and I embarrass you, lol.) I remember the day that he was born. I called him (jokingly) my baby when he was growing up because we were so far apart in age. I feel like he was still a little baby just a few years ago. I can NOT believe how fast he's growing up. People laughed when he got as tall as me but I still tried to pick him up to hug him. Now he's like 8 feet tall, an uncle and going to learn to drive. I just couldn't stop thinking about it today when I looked at Justin and I got a little choked up. What if my "real" baby grows up just as fast? =(

In Justin update news- feeding time is going well still. This kid LOVES food. I'm really loving making his baby food. It's fun now that he eats a few things and I can make little mixes (like for breakfast he had pear-banana oatmeal...yuuuum!)
So far the "Mmmm yummy list"= Sweet potatoes, Oatmeal, avacado, banana, pear & apple. So far on the "gag/spit it out list"= peas.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Justin started sleeping through the night really early on and I couldn't be more thankful. I honestly owe it all to the miracle blanket. Ever since he started sleeping through I was sooo nervous that if we stopped swaddling him (or mummifying as Alex calls it, lol) he wouldn't sleep well. Well at about 18/19 lbs he's starting to look a little silly. Like the "fat guy in a little coat" scene from Tommy Boy. He doesn't fit in it at all and breaks out by morning every day. I decided it was time to take it away. Tuesday night I did the method where you only swaddle 1 arm. It worked great- normal night. Last night I decided to try no swaddle. Guess who was up at 5am? Ugh, it's still dark at that time! He was happy as could be shrieking/talking and when I went in he was all smiles. I tried rocking him, pulling him in bed with me- he just didn't seem sleepy. Finally after like 20 minutes, I fed him and laid him back in his crib where he slept til 7:45 (his normal wake up time). I'm beat! How did I used to get up so many times during the night those 1st 5 weeks?

Monday, April 13, 2009

5 Months old!

Justin's 1st Easter was fantastic! I actually managed to get a pic of his first teethies after 2 days of trying! Poor little guy got 2 at once! I can't believe he's 5 months old today...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Justin's Top 5... favorite things/obsessions.
#1 our cat
#2 his tongue
#3 Anything he can fit in his mouth to rub on his gums (I can see 2 actual teeth now, they're like dead even with the surface of his gums)
#4 Being Tickled- especially on his feet and sides. You have to tickle him by kissing but he laughs like crazy.
#5 The song "Heartless" by Kayne West. This has been his favorite for a few weeks now. Anytime it comes on he practically bounces out of his jumper.

He will watch the cat walk anywhere and he starts like breathing super fast/heavy and flailing his arms around.

His tongue is just his favorite new toy. He tries his hardest to blow raspberries but most of the time he just sticks it out and "talks". It's so cute- especially when he tries it with food in his mouth. I'd like to thank him for the "oatmeal shower" yesterday.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hippity hoppity

Today Justin met the Easter Bunny- he wasn't afraid or anything, I was so proud!

This morning when I went woke up I went to check in on him. Imagine my surprise when I discovered him taking off his own diaper! I was cracking up! What a goof...

Monday, March 30, 2009

Yummy part 2...

Sweet potatoes were a success. I mean he ate a few spoonfuls and we had no bad reaction, so I was happy. Today we started avocados. I know, I would never think of avocado for a baby. A few of my friends had mentioned it so I did some research and it is highly recommended as a "first food" for infants! I used the magic bullet (food processor) again and pureed a large slice with some breast milk. Wow! He is just nuts for them. He kept lunging at the spoon with his mouth wide open. He never did that for cereal or sweet potatoes! Sweet! Finally I have an excuse to buy avocados! It was nice to "split" lunch aka I got to have avocado on my salad =)

Friday, March 27, 2009

Yum yum...

He LOVED his first time in his high chair!(He nearly threw himself out of his bebe pod yesterday while eating cereal) Justin's 1st veggie and mommy's first attempt at homemade baby food. Sweet potatoes! (if you click the collage it will get full sized)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sitting up

Justin started being able to hold himself up last week. I'm not gonna lie, about 50% of the time he starts to leeeeeean then plop he loses it. It helps if he has something to do (like his toy) because as soon as he gets distracted, it's over =)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Future Heartbreakers

Here are Justin and his older (7 months old) cousin Rory. They are total opposites when it comes to looks but they are gonna be a great team someday!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Band in my Living Room...

This video is about a week old but we were having some technical difficulties with our camera. Justin and Jody crack me up. They are such an adorable pair. Jody is such a fun, sweet, loving daddy and Justin just gets the biggest smiles playing with him. Here are the 2 of them playing Rock Band. Watch Justin's little feet go... he is so excited to be doing what daddy is doing.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Down on the farm

Justin had his 4mth check up yesterday. Sadly that meant 4 vaccines into those sweet chubby thighs. He is 17bs 6 oz now. The Dr says he's extremely strong and alert. The shots really must have pooped him out because as I type this at 9am, he's still asleep- usually he's up by 7:30.

We spent the baby's 1st St Patrick's day at his Papa's farm. Of course he's been there before but never out to the barns. In lieu of the nice weather we let him meet some of the animals. Boy was he fascinated.

Friday, March 13, 2009

4 months

What a difference a year can make! We had an ultrasound this week last year and he just looked like a teeny,tiny shrimp- literally. Now just look at this gorgeous little boy...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

A couple of "big boy" updates...

Tomorrow my little sweetpea turns 4 months old- I can't believe it. He is starting to get so smart and alert.

Now he holds his own bottle...(ok just for a few seconds, lol)

He got his first "big boy" sneakers today... (Deal alert for moms; Stride Rites for $10 at Marshalls!)

Also, I've been using Jody's old shirts (seriously- old like from Rue21 old, he never throws anything out) to make PJ pants for the baby. Here is my (sleepy) little model below in his favorite pair...

In case I haven't said it 7 million times, being a mommy is the BEST!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Mmmm yummy

Before the big news- a little update. My baby has his first crush. He is head over heels for the baby on the wipe box. Whenever I change him I put the wipes right next to his head and he just stares/talks to that baby. It's quite adorable.

Now, the toughest thing about raising a baby is that they all develop differently. There is no "set-in-stone" time to accomplish things. So when I tried to research starting cereal I found about 300 different opinions. There are moms who start babies at 6 weeks. There are moms who swear- only breast milk til 6 months. I think I knew, in my mommy gut that he was ready. I tested just a plain baby spoon in his mouth and he didn't push it out with his tongue. He has been an "assisted sitter" for weeks now, he shows interest in our food when he eats, and he has been nursing every 2 hours- it's getting exhausting. He's a big boy and a big eater. I wanted to give it a go. On the cereal box it has "1st feeding" instructions which basically tell you to (super)water it down with breast milk. It basically looked like very barely thickened milk. I only had him try a few baby spoonfuls but it went pretty well.

Not sure he liked the taste at first...

Then I just let him play with the spoon for a little bit...

Friday, February 27, 2009

New babies

2 of my nestie friends had babies in the past few weeks. Looking at their (totally adorable) pictures of their little babies, I just cannot believe how fast the time is going with Justin. Don't get me wrong he is getting more and more fun/adorable everyday but I can't believe how fast he's "growing up". Last weekend we watched home movies from when he was like 2 or 3 weeks old- he was such a peanut, he doesn't even look like the same baby. He is such a joy to be with now that he "talks" and laugh and squirms all around. Am I totally insane to have baby fever already? Don't get any ideas- we won't be "trying" again for at LEAST a year, I promise. Being a mom is THE greatest, most wonderful thing in the world. Why can't we become independently wealthy so we can have like 10 more? ;)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

1 year...

Well today is my sister Kim's birthday- Happy Birthday if you're reading this =) It will always be special to me because it was the day I found out I was pregnant. I can't believe that it was a year ago. I thought about it last night. On 2/23 of last year I broke down and cried because I "just knew" that I didn't get pregnant because I felt "too normal", lol. Then the next morning there was 2 lines staring me in the face. I can't even imagine living life right now without my little sweet pea... time flies.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Monday, February 16, 2009

Movin' Out...

Okay, so it's only 1 door away from our bedroom but Justin is officially in his own bedroom now."They" were right again. I've read and heard everywhere how much better you'll sleep with the baby in the crib (in his own room). I've tried (twice) to put him in his crib for the night but I always end up wussing out and pulling him back into the bassinet next to our bed. I just love looking over at him when he sleeps- it's the sweetest most comforting feeling. However, he is getting to be quite a noisy sleeper. For the past few nights he had been getting up and "fussing"/moving around at like 3am and 6am. I am a super light sleeper so it's not a good combo. As soon as I pop his ninny back in (sometimes more than a few times) he would fall back asleep. I've been just exhausted- my heart goes out to mom's with babies that don't sleep through the night right away. Last night he fell asleep at around 8:45 so I put him in his crib and promised I wouldn't take him out. Well to my utter amazement I woke up at 8:20am (he usually only sleeps until like 7:30) and there he was happy as could be- playing with his little hands in his crib. He slept almost 12 hours in his crib and I had a great, full night's sleep. I'm sure I'll get a little teary eyed packing up the bassinet but I think we're ready to official move on.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Seperation anxiety

Well, mommy starts her new job in an hour. I got exactly what I wanted. Something easy & "mindless" (receptionist), close to home (about 5 minutes) and very part time. I unpacked all my work clothes from the basement that I haven't seen since last winter- so that was kind of fun. This week sucks because I work 4 days in a row for training. After that it will only be 3, 4-6 hr shifts per week. I know it seems like not a lot of time but it doesn't make it much easier. Mostly because it feels like the end of an "era". I've been so lucky to stay at home with Justin the last 13 weeks. Yeah, some days have been REALLY hard and left us both crying- lol, but I've loved every second of every minute. I felt okay about it all week but now that it's "go-time" I'm a little choked up. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Little cupid

Due to my obsession with Valentine's Day I just knew that we had to make some signature Justin Valentine's. I made him do a little photoshoot and then edited them online. I think they turned out pretty cute =)

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rolling with the homies...

He did it. He rolled! I knew it was coming- the Dr said that we should start watching for it around 3 months but Justin is SO strong, I just knew it would be any day. Jody and I were in the living room talking and Justin was on his tummy on his ocean mat. All of the sudden...over he went. It was too adorable, he went in like slow motion and then he looked so surprised when he "landed" on his back.

Also, we set up his bouncer- which he seems to like quite a bit.

In other big news- he has started napping in his "big boy" crib. I want to move him out of his bassinet and into the crib for the nights around 3 months- so I'm trying to ease him into it. He looks like such a tiny peanut in there.

In other (non Justin) big news, my proposal to go back to Girl Scouts part time was denied. They decided that the position can not be done effectively part time- it's their new policy. I have to agree that it is definitely a full time type of job. I'm happy because this means I truly am a stay at home mom, not that I haven't been for 10 weeks already, lol. I'm just nervous because of the stupid economy and the fact that my "baby savings" will run out faster than I'd like. Anyone know of a good part time job?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Off the charts...

Today was Justin's 2 month appt. His growth was off the charts (above the 97th percentile)for his weight and height. He is 25 inches tall and 14lbs. My big man! I am so happy and proud b/c I always get nervous I'm not making enough milk to feed him. Looks like he's eating just fine =) He had to get 4 shots/vaccines today and 1 oral vaccine. Thank God Jody took the day off. He stayed in the room for the shots while I stepped outside (and quietly cried a little). I HATE HATE shots. Justin only cried for a minute then he was all smiles, sucking on his hand. He's such a good boy.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Laughing at mommy...

We've been trying to catch the little guy's "laugh" on video for a few days now...until last night, yay! He's been quite talkative lately so he fits in great in this house =) His laugh is around :51 in case you don't want to watch all 2 and a half minutes.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Baby got back

I had to move the little guy up to size 2 diapers today. I always joke that he has a big bum, but in all seriousness he's getting big sooo fast =(

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy 2009!

Ok, so I'm a little late. Things have been going really great with baby Justin. He has the sweetest little personality. He's been sleeping through the night for about 3 weeks now. He usually sleeps 6 1/2-8 hours. That's perfect for me, I couldn't be happier. He's really found his little voice the past 2 weeks- making lots of little coos and ahhs. He also has started reaching for/hitting toys that dangle above him. I know it's early for him to laugh but he does this thing when he's smiling super big sometimes that's like a wheezy/gaspy inhale that sounds like a laugh to me. Jake and his gf Sara set up his Ocean Wonders gym- wow. I TOTALLY recommend this to anyone, it's by Baby Einstein. Justin has pretty much lost interest in his swing and bouncer but he totally loses his mind for this mat. We lay him on it with the lights/music on and he goes nuts. He smiles with wide eyes and coos (kinda yells, lol). He kicks his little feet up in the air to the music. It's so nice for me to have something to entertain him. Thank you Baby Einstein for non-soggy cereal for the first time in weeks!