Thursday, May 21, 2009

Why do we buy baby toys?

I've been meaning to post this video- it's about 2 weeks old. Jody discovered that the baby just loves this old measuring tape I had in my sewing stuff...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

6 month checkup

Justin's 6 month checkup went well. I mean, besides the fact that we had to spend 45 minutes in the waiting room- that was pretty annoying. He weighed in at 20.0 lbs which puts him at the 92nd percentile. His height was 28.5 inches which puts him above the 99th percentile. Developmentally, everything is going well. The stethoscope, the tape measure, the flashlight- he tried to pull them all the Dr tools into in his mouth. He's added, "mmmm ma ma, mmmm ma, ma, ma and bababababa" to his little gurglings. He was up at 4:30 yesterday- I was so mad & exhausted. Then all the sudden I hear "ma, ma, ma..." down the hall and it just melted my heart. We go to a group practice so it was a new Dr we met with. She tried to tell me that all infants should have their own airplane seats so they don't get "jostled around" if there's turbulence. I'm sorry, but I'm not paying $200 for a 2 and a half hour direct flight when he can sit on my lap just fine. Maybe I should have asked if she'd loan me the money =)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


I have a 6 month old! I know I've said it before but this time is flying by. I remember when I would just put the "I'm ___ months" sign in front of him and snap a pic. Haha- yeah. Now it's a struggle to not get him to eat the sign. He is getting so big, so handsome, so smart, so strong and just better every day.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

I had a really great Mother's Day. We hosted breakfast for our moms/grandmas (with Dave & Amy) at our house. Then Jody, Justin and I just relaxed all day, then we ordered Chinese. It was fantastic! I dressed Justin in a "Mom's #1 fan shirt", from Old Navy. Now that's he "moves" and is so squirmy he never really likes to cuddle, unless it's first thing in the morning. Well, today I laid down in the back bedroom when everyone left. He cuddled right into me and fell asleep. He hasn't done that in months- it was so awesome.

Friday, May 1, 2009

da da da da da da daaa

Ever since Justin got his new teeth a few weeks ago, he's really taken his baby babbling/"talking" to a new level. Right now everything is da da. It is so adorable. When he's excited his eyes get really big and he whispers "da da da". When I lay him down for a nap and he gets mad he yells "da daaaaaa". Well you get the point. It was pretty funny trying to convince the 17 year old boy at Old Navy that the baby doesn't know what he's saying yet, after he looked and him and started his "da da da".

Oh and he's obsessed with his tongue. My sister kind took some great pics of him last weekend. Well has him with his tongue out- what a little goof.