Monday, June 30, 2008


Everything is wonderful with the baby. We moved his "travel crib"/pack-n-play into our room this weekend. It's so cute a little green Graco crib with a awning-type thingy with little bears on it. It looks perfect like it was just meant to be there. I can't believe that in about 4 months a little baby will be sleeping in there! Our son!

Maybe I'm grumpy because it's Monday- But I just don't like people's advice when I don't ask for it. That's normal, right? I try to remember that people just want to be helpful. However, telling my co-workers to "yell at me if they catch me crossing my legs" and to "get on me about my posture" is just a little over the edge. Oh and you did not just suggest that I get a posture bra in front of several people at a work lunch, did you? Apparently I just needed advice about my future varicose veins (ew) and back problems from a nosy older woman. Just fantastic.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Growth Update...

pregnancy calendar

Thanks Grandma...

This was a really busy weekend but we got to see a lot of family and friends so it was nice. So it's no secret that I LOVE being pregnant. It's nice to wake up and think awww look at my tummy- instead of ugh I look so fat. I really haven't had any self confidence issues and I feel healthy with my weight gain. THEN... Friday night I saw my grandma for the first time since we announced I was pregnant at 8 weeks. The first thing she says to me is, "well my friend's daughter is having a baby in October and she's not nearly as huge as you are". Ummm- thanks? To her defense she was probably (because she always is) drunk but it made my blood boil. Old people...ugh.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nothing too exciting... report. I am just trying to get into the habit of updating this everyday.

I'm continuing my kick of eating (mostly) healthy. It's going pretty well. I have seen way too much Discovery Health lately and I swear the women that have the most problems during later pregnancy are the ones that gain a ton of weight. Now, I'm trying to be a little more concious aka no more daily candy bar snack (oh god, Milky way dark, mmm) or butterfinger blizzards. I have also made every excuse possible to take extra stairs at work- I wonder when I will get used to being out of breath at the top...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Comparison- Beware naked tummy

Above: The beginning- 5 weeks (even before my 1st dr's appt)
Below: 1/2 way there! 20 weeks (taken about 8 days ago)

This is me at 21 weeks- yesterday. So far (knock on wood) I absolutely love being pregnant. Jody and I went for massages today so I feel extra great. I feel like my cheeks always look a little rosy in pictures... I suppose it's "glow" right? Haha.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Trying out this blog thing!

I have seen SO many people start blogs about their babies-to-be. I've been keeping a "Belly Book" that I got from Borders but no-one gets to see it. Also, I have all of these weekly belly pictures to show off so I decided that this would be a good place. Who knows how "good" I'll be about keeping up but I'm really going to try.