Friday, April 24, 2009

My other "baby"...

I try to keep this blog light and silly most of the time but today I'm feeling really sentimental. My little brother turns 16 this weekend...holy sh!t. (Jake- I'm sorry if you read this and I embarrass you, lol.) I remember the day that he was born. I called him (jokingly) my baby when he was growing up because we were so far apart in age. I feel like he was still a little baby just a few years ago. I can NOT believe how fast he's growing up. People laughed when he got as tall as me but I still tried to pick him up to hug him. Now he's like 8 feet tall, an uncle and going to learn to drive. I just couldn't stop thinking about it today when I looked at Justin and I got a little choked up. What if my "real" baby grows up just as fast? =(

In Justin update news- feeding time is going well still. This kid LOVES food. I'm really loving making his baby food. It's fun now that he eats a few things and I can make little mixes (like for breakfast he had pear-banana oatmeal...yuuuum!)
So far the "Mmmm yummy list"= Sweet potatoes, Oatmeal, avacado, banana, pear & apple. So far on the "gag/spit it out list"= peas.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Justin started sleeping through the night really early on and I couldn't be more thankful. I honestly owe it all to the miracle blanket. Ever since he started sleeping through I was sooo nervous that if we stopped swaddling him (or mummifying as Alex calls it, lol) he wouldn't sleep well. Well at about 18/19 lbs he's starting to look a little silly. Like the "fat guy in a little coat" scene from Tommy Boy. He doesn't fit in it at all and breaks out by morning every day. I decided it was time to take it away. Tuesday night I did the method where you only swaddle 1 arm. It worked great- normal night. Last night I decided to try no swaddle. Guess who was up at 5am? Ugh, it's still dark at that time! He was happy as could be shrieking/talking and when I went in he was all smiles. I tried rocking him, pulling him in bed with me- he just didn't seem sleepy. Finally after like 20 minutes, I fed him and laid him back in his crib where he slept til 7:45 (his normal wake up time). I'm beat! How did I used to get up so many times during the night those 1st 5 weeks?

Monday, April 13, 2009

5 Months old!

Justin's 1st Easter was fantastic! I actually managed to get a pic of his first teethies after 2 days of trying! Poor little guy got 2 at once! I can't believe he's 5 months old today...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Justin's Top 5... favorite things/obsessions.
#1 our cat
#2 his tongue
#3 Anything he can fit in his mouth to rub on his gums (I can see 2 actual teeth now, they're like dead even with the surface of his gums)
#4 Being Tickled- especially on his feet and sides. You have to tickle him by kissing but he laughs like crazy.
#5 The song "Heartless" by Kayne West. This has been his favorite for a few weeks now. Anytime it comes on he practically bounces out of his jumper.

He will watch the cat walk anywhere and he starts like breathing super fast/heavy and flailing his arms around.

His tongue is just his favorite new toy. He tries his hardest to blow raspberries but most of the time he just sticks it out and "talks". It's so cute- especially when he tries it with food in his mouth. I'd like to thank him for the "oatmeal shower" yesterday.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Hippity hoppity

Today Justin met the Easter Bunny- he wasn't afraid or anything, I was so proud!

This morning when I went woke up I went to check in on him. Imagine my surprise when I discovered him taking off his own diaper! I was cracking up! What a goof...