Monday, December 29, 2008

1st Xmas

Justin's 1st Xmas went great! It was great to have someone help me with all the festivities. First he helped me bake cookies...

then he helped me wrap all of the Christmas gifts for our family...

He got enough gifts (tons of toys and loads of cute outfits)for 10 babies- everyone was so generous! At first (Christmas Eve) he wasn't that into opening gifts...

Then he thought that presents were food so he got a little happier...

Eventually (by Christmas day) he got the hang of it and decided that he loves Christmas just as much as mommy does! (he's with his Grammie Linda in this picture)

Saturday, December 20, 2008


I got tagged by Melissa so I figured I should uphold my end of this bargain =)

Here's the game..
1) Choose the 4th picture folder on your computer
2) Choose the 4th picture
3) Explain the picture
4)Tag 4 other people

I'm sure Jody would be so embarrassed if he knew I posted this. We haven't had the new computer very long so we don't have a lot of picture folders. This was the 4th in the 4th folder. It's from about 3 weeks ago- It's Justin and Jody getting ready to go to sleep one night. I think it's cute! I love my guys.

Unfortunately, I can't do the last part because I don't know anyone else with a blog besides the people that were tagged with me, lol.

Silent Night, Holy night...

Justin slept through the night not once, not twice but THREE nights in a row. It's funny because when my alarm would go off at 6:30 for work I would think, "ugh oh God, already 6:30?". Now I wake up and I'm like, "Yes! 6:30- good job baby!". Every night at like 10:30 I feed him in my bed and we watch a little of a movie (we're in the middle of Pretty Woman- he loves it). He's usually asleep a little after 11, I put him in his bassinet and then- not a peep until around 6/6:30am. I feed him, change him and then we nap/snuggle til 8:30 when Jody gets up. He really is a fantastic baby!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We're still alive...

I know it's been a looong time since I posted. The only computer time I really get is when I'm feeding Justin and it's one handed. It takes forever to blog with one hand, lol. Life as a mommy is wonderful.

Justin will be 5 weeks tomorrow! At his one month appt he was up to 10lbs 15oz. That's my big guy! He is definitely a sweet, sweet baby...but with a temper like his mom's. He randomly sleeps through the night 1 or 2 times a week. Other than that he's up 1 or 2 times. I think my body is just used to waking up now. I'm getting used to substituting 8 hours of sleep for 3 two'ish hour naps through the night. He started to smile a few days ago- it's the most amazing feeling in the world. From about 3 weeks on we could rub his lower lip and he would "smile" but now it's real. If I come over and talk to him or sing in a silly voice his eyes crinkle up and here comes that little smile. He is so adorable. I can't believe how exhausting and hard it is to care for an infant 24/7. Yes, I knew about lack of sleep or crying etc... but it is sooo different when it's you, trust me. He went through a "fussy" period in the middle of last week. He would having screaming fits for like 20 minutes at a time (and now his crying comes with tears so it makes me feel way worse). You just feel so helpless and flustered. I went through a lot of aspirin. We learned that this kid needs lots and lots of burping and now life is MUCH better. I don't know how people have babies with colic. Jody said he would jump off a bridge.

I just had a "wow, being a mom is incredible" moment. Today we went Xmas shopping and visited Jody for lunch. It was freezing so when we got home I nursed him and then I laid down in bed. He snuggled right in against me with his head on my armpit laying sideways. I covered us up (only to the waist- I know my baby sleeping rules, lol) and we both fell asleep. I woke up first and he was still asleep. He was so warm and smelled so good and I could hear his soft little breathing. Maybe I still have postpartum hormones but I started to cry. He looked like the sweetest thing ever cuddled up against me and he has the most adorable sleeping face- honestly, like a little angel.<> I love being a mom =)

Friday, December 5, 2008

I thought the clock was broken.

I put Justin down to sleep last night at about 11:30 and I could tell he was gassy. He fussed (he kind grunts/whines) for about 10 minutes and I figured I was settling in for a rough night. I kissed him good night and fell asleep. I woke up to him fussing so I rolled over and much to my surprise the sun was up. I looked at the clock and it was 7:15. Whaaaat? I couldn't believe it. My little man slept through the night!!! I wanted to give him 5 million kisses. I'm sure it was a fluke or a stroke of good luck but I feel fantastic today. I fed him his bottle and he actually fell right back asleep. We knew he was overtired yesterday- he was being such a little grump. Even when he is a grump I cannot get over what a gorgeous, amazing baby he is. I keep peeking over at him now- I could stare at him forever.

On the mommy side of things I decided to brave the scale today. I've lost 26 out of the 41 baby pounds, 15 pounds to go. Oh, not to mention the additional 10 I had holding on from Xmas and our cruise riiight before I got pregnant. My goal is to lose that 25 (baby + holiday eating machine) pounds by Disney. I don't think it's unreasonable. I have about 5 1/2 months and lots of determination =)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Baby Jekyll and Baby Hyde

Baby Justin is 3 weeks old today! I can't believe it. Last night was a great night. We went to sleep around 10, he woke up at 3 to eat and then was back asleep by 4 until 8:30. It was MUCH better in comparison to being up every 15 minutes from 12 until 7am like Tuesday night. He is back on "required mittens" again. He loves his fingers so much that I feel guilty but it just has to be done. Yesterday I went to wash my hands after I changed him and I heard him screech/start crying. I ran into the bedroom and he had clawed his little nose so hard that he had a drop of blood coming down it. His nails grow so fast- sorry little guy, it's back to the mittens.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Goodbye Daddy =(

Today will be Jody's first day back to work. I can't believe it's already been a month. I guess it's time to find out if I really can do this alone. It's not like he's leaving and never coming back but he is just such an incredible help to me. It's funny to think that 3 weeks ago he had never even held a newborn. Now he is like an old pro. If there was a trophy for baby burping he would win me. We have just been such a great team. I'm going to miss his help and his company.

Last night we gave Justin his first "Tub" bath. (We had to wait until all of his cord was out and his circumcision healed.) He slept through the first half of it. Then the air must have hit his little weenie because he started peeing. I had to drain the tub b/c I didn't want him in his own pee. I was nervous about the water temp being too warm so I kept it on the cool side. I must have used too much cold because he screamed. We used that Johnson & Johnson bedtime lavender bath wash. It says "clinically proven to help baby sleep better". Justin slept from 12 until 6 straight through. I'm going to try it again tonight and if he sleeps like that again I will buy CASES of that baby wash.