Monday, September 29, 2008


My shower was just incredible. We got everything I could have wanted x1,000. Our families put so much hard work into it I just couldn't be more thankful. Since Justin's nursery theme is "froggies" my Mother-in-laws basement got turned into a lime green rainforest. It was SO cute- the pic doesn't do it justice. I think I'm going to skip the 35 week belly pic tomorrow for a few shower pics today...I can't believe how pregnant I look now! Haha!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Shower weekend!

I can't believe that it's the weekend of my shower already- holy moly! I have a long weekend from work (well with the exception of a 90 minute meeting tomorrow morning). Today I have a huge to-do list with cleaning and organizing some stuff in the house and it's "find a shower dress" day 2. Tomorrow I am using some of my birthday gift cards to have a little spa day. A pedicure (thanks to Jesse/Kelly) and a massage (thanks to Jess/Alex.) Then Sunday is the big party, I'm so so excited! I just have this feeling that once the shower is over and we bring home all that baby stuff my "flying by weeks" will come to a screeching halt. I can't imagine how the wait for him is going to feel once his little room is all set and full of cute stuff...

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I was farting around on the computer when I found this... I remember I wanted to save it and see if it was true, just for fun. You didn't enter any information about yourself but you had to answer weird questions like; your favorite color, what time of day you were born and something about smells you like... Weird, I know. I did this back in like March so I figured I would post it here. I know its just some stupid website but the baby did turn out to be a boy AND we both have dark hair and hazel eyes.

The day you deliver, outside will be unusually hot. Your baby will arrive at night.
After a labor lasting approximately 24 hours, your child, a boy, will be born. Your baby will weigh about 8 pounds, 11 ounces, and will be 17-1/2 inches long. This child will have hazel eyes and dark hair.
But there is more. Although you may feel tired, your pregnancy will be over before you are truly ready to let go of having this precious baby you have all to yourself. I sense that you will look back and long for these days. I suggest doing something now to preserve some memories of this time

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

34 weeks

I know that I say this all the time- but these weeks are just flying by! My only big news is that I slept through the night last night. No restless legs- no hip pain- no getting up to pee. 11:30-7:00 just straight sleep, it was heavenly. I don't know what I did different but I wish I could figure it out.
Here's weekly belly pic =)

Sunday, September 21, 2008


We got back this morning from our family's annual (or bi-annual) fishing trip. We went to Lake Chautauqua for the weekend. The cottage and the weather were both really nice. I came very close to falling down the spiral staircase in my slipper socks but I managed to "grab" the railing with my armpit and only hurt my foot. The pain/bruise is way better than falling on my tummy I figured.

It's just fun to spend time with family relaxing. I stayed behind when everyone went fishing in the boat- they go out for hours and I can't hold my pee or stand that long, haha! I just lounged outside and watched the lake. I got a lot of reading done. It kinda hit me all at once that this was our last "vacation" before we're a mommy and daddy. Our 1st family vacation will be to Disney in May. (He will go at 6 months, I waited 21 years, lol) These last couple weeks have just flown by. On one hand I'm so excited to meet Justin, to kiss and snuggle him. On the other I'm going to miss being pregnant, it's almost over already! I love my tummy and the feeling of little baby movements. Maybe by the time I get to like 38/39 weeks maybe I'll change my tune.

The weekend went WAY too fast. I can't believe it's back to work tomorrow. I hate my job so much.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

33 weeks (long update, lol)

My work is a short-staffed, poorly organized, mad house- I haven't even had time to blog this week! I'll try to blog the short version...

Most importantly I feel great! A little bit tired sometimes but really happy- I'm still loving pregnancy!

Last weekend was my birthday. I honestly gotta say it was one of the best that I can remember. Jody really went above and beyond! We went out for sushi lunch, a little roadtrip for apples/cider, lots of shopping (I was even "allowed" to pick out baby clothes, lol) and gorgeous flowers. We just happened to find a super good deal on a new wall oven so Jody bought it. I was SO excited I wanted to cry! (It was fun to have the same oven as Carol Brady- but her's worked better in the 60's when it was made). Saturday I went to the "Mothertime marketplace" sale with Jess and Linda- that was fun. Very crowded but lots of good deals. I got to visit Reese and Rory twice which was awesome- they are such cuties. Then we ended the weekend with a lil birthday BBQ at my dad's house. My fam is adorable and picked out some very thoughtful gifts for me.

One of the shopping places that had to shop at was kmart. They had tote bins on sale and I need them for my surplus baby outfits. We were cashing out and the lady was like "how far along are you" so I said, "oh about 7 1/2 months". She said, " wow, you are beautiful- your face and everything, you're so lucky to be so pretty" and then went on to tell me that she was "huge" and had to wear a harness. So it was a little weird but SO nice just out of the blue.

Justin's bedding is washed and on his little crib. His curtains are just waiting to be hung. I started to wash all his little outfits and realized I have a baby shopping addiction, haha. He's doing great. I can NOT believe how strong he is. Today my right ribs hurt so bad- I'm thankful that he's healthy and active but the boy is a little beast. I'm not exaggerating, I think I have internal bruising. Maybe he's excited like I am because we have 2 big weekends coming up. This weekend we are taking our annual fishing trip with my family. Fishing, s'mores, board games, campfires- woohoo! Then next weekend is the shower- yay!

Well here's my obligatory picture- it had to be another bathroom pic because I Jody won't be home until 8 and I want into my PJs ASAP- which are not picture worthy =)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Growth update

pregnancy week by week


I snuck a glance. I honestly had good intentions... I wanted to take 1 last peek at our registry because I know that the invites went out last week. (I am the world's WORST decision maker, I will look at something 10x and compare it to 100 alternatives before I make a choice.) I wanted to make sure that I was happy with our choices...

OMG there is like nothing left. All of the "big" things have already been purchased. (I know I didn't technically "get" the things yet but I guess everyone doesn't wait until the last minute like me to shop, haha.) To be completely serious, I am just so happy and lucky and thankful for all of the wonderful people that will be in Justin's life. We have the most amazing, generous family and friends a baby (or mommy-to-be) could ever need. No matter how tired I get or how much I hate my job it's things like this that make me realize how great life really is.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

32 weeks

Happy Tuesday! Here's the pic from 32 weeks.

In our childbirth class we learned that the whole "heartburn= a hairy baby" myth is an old wives tale...supposedly. I sure hope so or I am giving birth to a wookie. Everything gives me heartburn these days. It's not like doubled over in pain heartburn, just a dull'ish consistent pain.

In other news, I'm not mad at Target anymore. (reminder- they had "online-only'ed" and then back ordered my entire nursery set. I bought the bedding (new) off of ebay but couldn't find the matching curtains anywhere so Target won and I ordered them. I was furious with the ship date of 9/28-10/6 but sucked it up.) Anyways- I just got an email that the curtains have been shipped. Whoa! 3 weeks ahead of schedule. Yay!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

All learned up

We completed our "prepared childbirth" class yesterday. We opted for the 1 day 8-5pm class offered by our hospital. Some of the info I already knew but it was definitely worth it for me. No matter what you read online or in books- you still never know what will be available/procedure at your specific hospital. I could not believe some of the people in our class. There was like 8 preggos and their coaches. We had a "baby thug" and his fiance who were due in a week (admitted they had no carseat- no pediatrician etc...) their biggest concern was putting the baby in their own clothes in the hospital nursery. I bet baby Roca-wear, Josy bets baby Fubu. 2 husbands were massaging their wives backs almost the whole class. One girl had her feet up on pillows because the chairs weren't comfortable. This same girl (who's about 35wks) made her husband put her shoes on her on after class. Trust me, I am a total back rub junkie (as Jody put it, lol) but really... for a room of strangers? I understand that these girls were 2-3 wks ahead of me but I think they're milking this. I'm kinda-sorta-a-little stubborn and controlling so the idea of having someone else prop up my legs or put my shoes on is just insane to me. Our instructor was really nice. Unfortunately, she had a family emergency and had to end class 1/2 an hour early so we missed out on the hospital tour. Oh well, we were just there 2 weeks ago for the twins- I'm sure not much has changed.

Speaking of those little Reese and baby Rory got to come home yesterday! They weigh a little over 6 lbs each and are perfectly healthy. I can't believe how tiny they are. They are so content and adorable. Avery did great. She "gives the babies kisses"- which means she goes at them open mouth and kinda presses her mouth on them. She walks on her own for a few steps now- it's big news. We're so happy for Jesse and Kelly- they have a gorgeous little family.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Little challenges

I just got back from the Dr. and I have a little time before work. Everything is going great- I just feel so, so lucky. Blood pressure/heartbeat/belly measurement are all on track. Even in all this heat I haven't had any swelling. I haven't been making mention of weight gain lately because I got a little "off track". It just felt SO good to finally be able to eat again in the 2nd tri I think I went a little overboard. My original goal was to gain 30 lbs- max. So far I've gained 27 lbs...oops. My Dr says it's normal and everything looks great. You know what, I'm sure it's hard to lose weight after a baby and in the end will an extra 5 or 10 lbs on my "goal" weight really make a difference? We're healthy and happy- that's all that matters.

On the subject of eating I can not believe how much it hurts to be "full". I expected this around like 38 wks when things are really squished in there but I've been this way for about a week already. I've always had a healthy appetite and pregnanacy only seemed to increase that. Now, I eat like 1/3 of my dinner and it feels like my belly is literally going to burst open. Just something I need to be conscious of, I guess. I will add it to the list of the "pregnancy suprises/challenges" that I've learned. Also going on the list of suprises this week- it IS possible to get out of breath painting your toenails and my personal favorite- who knew putting on your underpants would become such a challenge? (I don't know if it's the whole balance thing, mixed with weight gain, mixed with "not being able to see"below the belly...) but I feel like a weeble-wooble every morning.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

31 weeks- take 2

There are 2 reasons I am adding a 2nd "31 week" picture.
#1. I hated the blurry pic from yesterday
#2. I feel like someone sprinkled miracle grow on my tummy in my sleep last night and I just have to show it off! Haha!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

31 weeks

Yep- down to single digit "weeks" on the countdown- how exciting! For some reason our pictures kept coming out blurry today and after about 12 of joke... I just gave up. This is the best that I have- sorry! Happy Tuesday!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Officer Jerkface

Our anniversary was going wonderful. We spent the day by the pool at Linda's and even had a surprise visit from Kelly and Avery. We had a delicious dinner at Romanellos.

When we were leaving Romanellos I remembered that Jody wanted French toast for the breakfast the next morning and we didn't have enough eggs. Even though Tops is right down the street we decided to stop out and see my dad. (Jody loves his farm eggs because he says they taste fresh and "yolkier"). Anyways- as we're driving through the boonies of Orchard Park, Jody got pulled over by a state trooper for rolling through a stop sign. I totally thought that we were going to get out of it. Jody (aka the world's best schmoozer) explained that it was our 1st anniversary- we were on our way to stop at my dad's because I was pregnant and not feeling well. (Which was true, I totally overstuffed myself and was complaining, lol) Well, no dice. We got the ticket and the court date is Jody's birthday. Then this jerkface starts telling us congrats- enjoy the baby and about his grand kids. I wasn't in really in the mood to chit-chat with someone who just wrote us a a ticket. Anyways, he did explain how to get out of court and reduce our ticket, so that was nice. On the way home someone was pulled over in the same exact spot.

Oh and the rumor is true- your wedding cake tastes yucky on your anniversary! =) To be fair, I don't think we wrapped ours well.

I do have some good news. Remember how mad I was at Target for back ordering and "online-only"'ing our bedding? Well I bid on it (for like the 4th time) on ebay last night and won! I'm biased but I think it's just adorable. The last few times I've "lost" the auction there were well over 30 bids for the set. I wasn't planning on winning... and spending the money but oh well, it can be my early birthday gift to myself.