Thursday, August 13, 2009


9 months... that's 3/4 of a year. Holy crap. Our sweet little guy turned 9 months old today. I did attempt this usual photo shoot but it's almost impossible these days. Not only does he want to destroy the paper but he can crawl after it if I move it. Yes, he's exhausting but he is so, so, so much fun. He eats everything in sight and always wants what we're eating; lasagna, burgers, ribs, steamed broccoli... seriously, everything. His bi-coastal trip went okay. I'm not gonna lie. Infants adjusting to a time change is quite a challenge. He has 6 teeth now. 2 on bottom, 4 on top. He calls everyone and everything "da da". He also "says" mama, baba, gaga, ah da (sounds like all done) and tika tika. He knows how to pull himself to standing and he crawls SO fast now. His current hobbies include; chasing the cat around the house, climbing the furniture/cabinets, swimming in Grandma Linda's pool, biting mom, watching Handy Manny, laughing at dad and reading upside down books.

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