Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thanks Grandma...

This was a really busy weekend but we got to see a lot of family and friends so it was nice. So it's no secret that I LOVE being pregnant. It's nice to wake up and think awww look at my tummy- instead of ugh I look so fat. I really haven't had any self confidence issues and I feel healthy with my weight gain. THEN... Friday night I saw my grandma for the first time since we announced I was pregnant at 8 weeks. The first thing she says to me is, "well my friend's daughter is having a baby in October and she's not nearly as huge as you are". Ummm- thanks? To her defense she was probably (because she always is) drunk but it made my blood boil. Old people...ugh.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh my Gosh! I think we have the same Grandma! That is so something my grandma would say. The last time I saw her after not seeing her for awhile, the first thing she says to me is.. "Oh.. I see you've put on some weight!"