Monday, June 30, 2008


Everything is wonderful with the baby. We moved his "travel crib"/pack-n-play into our room this weekend. It's so cute a little green Graco crib with a awning-type thingy with little bears on it. It looks perfect like it was just meant to be there. I can't believe that in about 4 months a little baby will be sleeping in there! Our son!

Maybe I'm grumpy because it's Monday- But I just don't like people's advice when I don't ask for it. That's normal, right? I try to remember that people just want to be helpful. However, telling my co-workers to "yell at me if they catch me crossing my legs" and to "get on me about my posture" is just a little over the edge. Oh and you did not just suggest that I get a posture bra in front of several people at a work lunch, did you? Apparently I just needed advice about my future varicose veins (ew) and back problems from a nosy older woman. Just fantastic.

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