Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rolling with the homies...

He did it. He rolled! I knew it was coming- the Dr said that we should start watching for it around 3 months but Justin is SO strong, I just knew it would be any day. Jody and I were in the living room talking and Justin was on his tummy on his ocean mat. All of the sudden...over he went. It was too adorable, he went in like slow motion and then he looked so surprised when he "landed" on his back.

Also, we set up his bouncer- which he seems to like quite a bit.

In other big news- he has started napping in his "big boy" crib. I want to move him out of his bassinet and into the crib for the nights around 3 months- so I'm trying to ease him into it. He looks like such a tiny peanut in there.

In other (non Justin) big news, my proposal to go back to Girl Scouts part time was denied. They decided that the position can not be done effectively part time- it's their new policy. I have to agree that it is definitely a full time type of job. I'm happy because this means I truly am a stay at home mom, not that I haven't been for 10 weeks already, lol. I'm just nervous because of the stupid economy and the fact that my "baby savings" will run out faster than I'd like. Anyone know of a good part time job?

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Aww. I can't believe how big Justin is getting.. He's in his little Jumperoo already.. The jumperoo is like my favorite baby toy.. I can't wait for Eve to play in hers.. And he looks so cute and sweet in his crib. Your crib bedding is TOO cute.