Thursday, April 9, 2009

Justin's Top 5... favorite things/obsessions.
#1 our cat
#2 his tongue
#3 Anything he can fit in his mouth to rub on his gums (I can see 2 actual teeth now, they're like dead even with the surface of his gums)
#4 Being Tickled- especially on his feet and sides. You have to tickle him by kissing but he laughs like crazy.
#5 The song "Heartless" by Kayne West. This has been his favorite for a few weeks now. Anytime it comes on he practically bounces out of his jumper.

He will watch the cat walk anywhere and he starts like breathing super fast/heavy and flailing his arms around.

His tongue is just his favorite new toy. He tries his hardest to blow raspberries but most of the time he just sticks it out and "talks". It's so cute- especially when he tries it with food in his mouth. I'd like to thank him for the "oatmeal shower" yesterday.

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