Thursday, April 16, 2009


Justin started sleeping through the night really early on and I couldn't be more thankful. I honestly owe it all to the miracle blanket. Ever since he started sleeping through I was sooo nervous that if we stopped swaddling him (or mummifying as Alex calls it, lol) he wouldn't sleep well. Well at about 18/19 lbs he's starting to look a little silly. Like the "fat guy in a little coat" scene from Tommy Boy. He doesn't fit in it at all and breaks out by morning every day. I decided it was time to take it away. Tuesday night I did the method where you only swaddle 1 arm. It worked great- normal night. Last night I decided to try no swaddle. Guess who was up at 5am? Ugh, it's still dark at that time! He was happy as could be shrieking/talking and when I went in he was all smiles. I tried rocking him, pulling him in bed with me- he just didn't seem sleepy. Finally after like 20 minutes, I fed him and laid him back in his crib where he slept til 7:45 (his normal wake up time). I'm beat! How did I used to get up so many times during the night those 1st 5 weeks?

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