Saturday, June 13, 2009

7 months old!

Our gorgeous little sweetheart is 7 months old already! I always say that time is flying but on the other hand he is getting more and more fun everyday. It's so entertaining to watch his explore/learn. He has mastered putting food into his own mouth, it's just the cutest thing! He loves being outside. I sit his little bebe pod chair on the lawn while I work on the garden and he just reaches over, petting the grass, happy as could be. He is really showing a preference toward toys that make sounds/music. We made 2 big switches in the last few weeks. He's in his "big boy" carseat and he went down to 2 naps, instead of 3.

Like I mentioned the other day, he can really motor (scooting) backwards. I have tried putting EVERYTHING in front of him to try to get crawl/move forward; me, the kitty, food, his favorite toys... the only thing that has really motivated him- the "7 months old" sign.

Success! (not with crawling- just with stealing the sign. Once he got it he flopped right onto his back and started "eating" it.)

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