Friday, June 12, 2009

The dreaded "car nap"...

You'd think that with a baby- anytime you can get them to nap is great, right? Oooh you are mistaken. A "car nap" is a little refresher for an exhausted baby who needs either bed or a "real" nap. It's like an exhausted adult having a shot of expresso. Sure, you feel better but you're bound to crash.

Last night the baby and I went out to dinner with the girls(yay, fun!) until about 7:30pm. I tried my hardest to keep him awake in the car- but even with the radio blaring and my awful singing he slept almost the entire 30 minutes home. Now that he's in his "big boy" carseat, it's tough to get him out without waking him. As soon as we got into the house he was wide awake ready to play at his normal 8:00pm bedtime. I guess I can't blame him. In his mind he had napped and was all set with sleep for awhile. He finally fell asleep around 10:00. The weird thing about Justin is that the later he goes to sleep, the earlier he gets up. I know, I know- it makes no sense but it's proven right every time. Usually he sleeps about 8pm- 6:45am. This morning he was up squealing and playing at 4:40am. I tried feeding him, rocking him...nope- wide awake. Being the excellent mom that I am (lol) I brought him into our room in his highchair. I put on a Disney movie and put some "nummy" puffs on his tray so I could get just a few minutes more sleep. I HATE naps, I think they're such a waste of time. However, I've learned that when it's still dark out, even just 15 more minutes of sleep makes a huge difference.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You hate naps? Maybe we can't be friends anymore.. I LIVE for naps..If I couldn't take naps, I'd probably kill myself..
And the later bedtime=earlier getting up is true for Evie too.. I just don't get it.