Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Goodbye Daddy =(

Today will be Jody's first day back to work. I can't believe it's already been a month. I guess it's time to find out if I really can do this alone. It's not like he's leaving and never coming back but he is just such an incredible help to me. It's funny to think that 3 weeks ago he had never even held a newborn. Now he is like an old pro. If there was a trophy for baby burping he would win it...trust me. We have just been such a great team. I'm going to miss his help and his company.

Last night we gave Justin his first "Tub" bath. (We had to wait until all of his cord was out and his circumcision healed.) He slept through the first half of it. Then the air must have hit his little weenie because he started peeing. I had to drain the tub b/c I didn't want him in his own pee. I was nervous about the water temp being too warm so I kept it on the cool side. I must have used too much cold because he screamed. We used that Johnson & Johnson bedtime lavender bath wash. It says "clinically proven to help baby sleep better". Justin slept from 12 until 6 straight through. I'm going to try it again tonight and if he sleeps like that again I will buy CASES of that baby wash.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Aww. I'm sure you DH going back to work is tough.. If you ever get bored and/or lonely, give me a call and I can meet up with you somewhere.. even if its just to walk around the mall or something.
Do you have my number? Probably not. :) I'll email it to you.