Wednesday, December 17, 2008

We're still alive...

I know it's been a looong time since I posted. The only computer time I really get is when I'm feeding Justin and it's one handed. It takes forever to blog with one hand, lol. Life as a mommy is wonderful.

Justin will be 5 weeks tomorrow! At his one month appt he was up to 10lbs 15oz. That's my big guy! He is definitely a sweet, sweet baby...but with a temper like his mom's. He randomly sleeps through the night 1 or 2 times a week. Other than that he's up 1 or 2 times. I think my body is just used to waking up now. I'm getting used to substituting 8 hours of sleep for 3 two'ish hour naps through the night. He started to smile a few days ago- it's the most amazing feeling in the world. From about 3 weeks on we could rub his lower lip and he would "smile" but now it's real. If I come over and talk to him or sing in a silly voice his eyes crinkle up and here comes that little smile. He is so adorable. I can't believe how exhausting and hard it is to care for an infant 24/7. Yes, I knew about lack of sleep or crying etc... but it is sooo different when it's you, trust me. He went through a "fussy" period in the middle of last week. He would having screaming fits for like 20 minutes at a time (and now his crying comes with tears so it makes me feel way worse). You just feel so helpless and flustered. I went through a lot of aspirin. We learned that this kid needs lots and lots of burping and now life is MUCH better. I don't know how people have babies with colic. Jody said he would jump off a bridge.

I just had a "wow, being a mom is incredible" moment. Today we went Xmas shopping and visited Jody for lunch. It was freezing so when we got home I nursed him and then I laid down in bed. He snuggled right in against me with his head on my armpit laying sideways. I covered us up (only to the waist- I know my baby sleeping rules, lol) and we both fell asleep. I woke up first and he was still asleep. He was so warm and smelled so good and I could hear his soft little breathing. Maybe I still have postpartum hormones but I started to cry. He looked like the sweetest thing ever cuddled up against me and he has the most adorable sleeping face- honestly, like a little angel.<> I love being a mom =)

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