Saturday, December 20, 2008

Silent Night, Holy night...

Justin slept through the night not once, not twice but THREE nights in a row. It's funny because when my alarm would go off at 6:30 for work I would think, "ugh oh God, already 6:30?". Now I wake up and I'm like, "Yes! 6:30- good job baby!". Every night at like 10:30 I feed him in my bed and we watch a little of a movie (we're in the middle of Pretty Woman- he loves it). He's usually asleep a little after 11, I put him in his bassinet and then- not a peep until around 6/6:30am. I feed him, change him and then we nap/snuggle til 8:30 when Jody gets up. He really is a fantastic baby!


Melissa said...

Aww. what a good boy Justin is! Maybe Pretty Women gives him sweet dreams. :)

Amy said...

Good job Justin! Keep up the good work! :) (And isn't snuggling with the baby in bed in the morning just the best thing ever?)