Monday, May 17, 2010

Good Eater

As an infant, I could puree ANYTHING and Justin would eat it. anything. Everyone told me how lucky I was to have a good eater... it didn't last. By his 1st birthday all he wanted was yogurt and toast. 2 healthy choices but not enough to live on, haha. It is a lot of work to feed a toddler a healthy, balanced diet. It's all about little steps.

Today's lunch- Grilled Cheese & Spinach Sandwich w. Garlic Green Beans
Justin hates milk. HATES it. I think he may have inherited from me, I can't drink it . I've tried everything for him; skim, 1%, 2%, whole, chocolate, strawberry, warming it up- he drools it right back out. (He hates juice too right now, too) My main concern is to make sure he's getting enough vitamin D and calcium. Dark green vegetables are a great source of calcium. Justin LOVES grilled cheese sandwiches. I always use whole wheat bread and kraft 2% American cheese. It's a lunch staple. He barely seemed to notice when today he had grilled spinach and cheese :) I just added a handful of fresh baby spinach inside of his sandwich. He got a good serving of Vitamin A, iron & calcium. Plus- everyone who watched Popeye knows that spinach gives you huge muscles!!!

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