Saturday, November 22, 2008

The 1st Week

I can't believe that he's over a week old! Well- 9 days today. With the exception of our little jaundice scare, life with baby Justin has been quite wonderful. At his 1 week check up he was up to 9lbs 14oz, my little chunker. His jaundice is clearing up just fine. He sleeps like a champ. Every night I have to set my alarm to wake him up to eat. The Dr said it's important to make sure he eats every 3 hours to finish flushing the jaundice out. Jody and I have always been on kind of opposite sleep schedules so it's worked out well. I started pumping so that I can have bottles ready and daddy can help with the feedings. I can feed Justin and be in bed by 10 or 11. Then Jody takes the 1 or 2am feeding (he's up anyways), then puts him in his bassinet and I can sleep until 4 or 5. Honestly, 5/6 hours of sleep was all I ever really needed anyways. Justin got to meet all of his cousins this week- it was really cute. Avery, Reese and Rory are all pale blondes so he sticks out like a little sore thumb.

He makes the cutest faces. I know, I know- newborns don't smile but he makes a "smile-like" face. He gets so alert during the day. I just can't put him down when he's all wide eyed and awake. He just looks so adorable. I know it's gross but I have to mention it. I have never hear a baby toot the way Justin does. He's not a good burper but when he does pass his gas- it's from the basement and I can hear it like 3 rooms away. It cracks Jody up. The kitty is doing well adjusting. He smells Justin alot but seems to care less.

My recovery has been pretty good. The swelling in my feet and face has gone down almost all the way. My skin has started to clear up again- thank god! I braved the scale on his 1 week "birthday" and was shocked to see that I had lost 18 lbs- yay! I mean I still have like 23 to go but that's okay. I'll get there. I got to wear pants that buttoned this week- granted they were my "fat pants" but it felt great.

1 comment:

Lucy said...

It sounds like things are going wonderful. I think Justin is so adorable in your Nestie pic! Glad to hear you had a nice frist week home!
- Renee from The Nest