Monday, November 10, 2008

It's official!

That was my last Drs appt. We are officially scheduled for an induction this weekend. I will be admitted at 6:30 Friday night so that they can give me a dose of cervidil and monitor the baby overnight. Saturday morning if I'm not progressing, I will rise and shine to an IV of pitocin. I didn't even want an IV at all so it does make me a little nervous. Plus, from my understanding- the drug forces your body to contract, making the pain reeeally intense.

I was sort of hoping that they would move my induction up a little bit but it was a no go. This stubborn little baby passed his NST with flying colors. It IS really great news, it means that even after almost 41 weeks he's still "thriving" in the womb. He cooperates great for Drs but not for mommy. I was on the monitors for almost 1/2 an hour and they did show I had 2 "good contractions". They aren't regular or painful yet so it's not really any news. I did dilate a little more from my last appt to about 1.5 so that was good. I had the "stretching/sweep" done for a 2nd time so maybe that will do something.

Anyways, to wrap it up- I'll have this little peanut in my arms this weekend. At this point I don't care; natural, pitocin, c-section... I just want him to be healthy and snuggled up with his parents.

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