Friday, August 8, 2008

Kinda neat

Babycenter had a new article about what kind of parent your "sign says you will be"... it looks pretty true knowing me.

About the Virgo Parent

High Standards

As a Virgo parent, you're sensible, but you have high standards and place a premium on perfection. You enjoy teaching your children about meeting responsibilities, taking care of their possessions, and leading a healthy, active lifestyle.

At times, you can come across as nitpicky and critical, but you know -- even if your kids sometimes don't -- that you just want them to be as healthy, intelligent, and functional as possible. You may, however, need to remind yourself that your children consistently do their best, even when the results fall significantly beneath your expectations.

You're practical, helpful, and stable, so you're able to provide your children with a strong, steady foundation in life, both emotionally as well as economically. Yes, you tend to be a bit frugal, but that's so you can pay for their braces and college expenses later, right? You freely give your time and attention -- the most valuable gift of all.

You're a planner, and you have a keen eye for detail, so you're likely to be in charge of the family bills and budget. Don't be afraid to splurge from time to time on indulgences for your kids. This occasional display of spontaneity and extravagance will mean that much more to them.

Your children are likely to understand that you only want them to have the best life possible. Still, remember to be generous with praise and affection, as those are two things it costs absolutely nothing to give. Also, well-deserved compliments can help to balance out equally well-deserved critical feedback or disapproval.

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