Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Yup, that's my rib...

Everyone says how hard the 3rd trimester is. Whenever I ask someone that's like 34 weeks and up how they're feeling I always get, "done." or "so ready to be done." or even "miserable". I promised myself from the very beginning that I will NOT be the token miserable 3rd trimester woman. I honestly am that sap that believes a baby is a miracle and I love, love being pregnant. He is something I wished for and hoped for (and even begged for.) I really think that a lot of pregnancy is mind over matter. I just need to stay positive and enjoy the short time this little baby is inside of me.

My little auntie-to-be of a sister says she looks forward to my honesty about pregnancy and child birth so I promise to always be honest. I can admit that I feel some definite changes in the past few weeks. Besides the restless leg syndrome, I have been waking up with hip pain a few times a night. Then it's inevitable that I'll have to pee. I've been having trouble falling asleep this week too. Just lots of tossing and turning. I know for a fact that Baby Justin has gotten very, very strong. Yesterday at work some part of him was jabbing me right in the ribs- it felt like his toe was stuck in there trying to push the rib forward. I tried to "massage" him down a little bit and eventually he moved. He's "awake" much more now- his favorite is right as I'm drifting off to sleep. Even though it can hurt, I still think it's cute because I imagine him saying , "hey how about another snack down here?".

As far as mental changes- I am a firm believer in "pregnancy brain". I hemmed a super long pair of pants for Jody that are now up above his ankle bones b/c I "forgot" the measurements. I have left my straightener on about 10 times in the last month- Jody keeps joking that I'm trying to burn the house down. Today, Cate pointed out that I was walking around work with my cardigan inside out. Still nothing AS good as the day my phone rang at my desk and I tried to "answer" the tape dispenser but I think we're getting there... Pregnancy is the most wonderfully weird thing in the world!

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