Thursday, September 4, 2008

Little challenges

I just got back from the Dr. and I have a little time before work. Everything is going great- I just feel so, so lucky. Blood pressure/heartbeat/belly measurement are all on track. Even in all this heat I haven't had any swelling. I haven't been making mention of weight gain lately because I got a little "off track". It just felt SO good to finally be able to eat again in the 2nd tri I think I went a little overboard. My original goal was to gain 30 lbs- max. So far I've gained 27 lbs...oops. My Dr says it's normal and everything looks great. You know what, I'm sure it's hard to lose weight after a baby and in the end will an extra 5 or 10 lbs on my "goal" weight really make a difference? We're healthy and happy- that's all that matters.

On the subject of eating I can not believe how much it hurts to be "full". I expected this around like 38 wks when things are really squished in there but I've been this way for about a week already. I've always had a healthy appetite and pregnanacy only seemed to increase that. Now, I eat like 1/3 of my dinner and it feels like my belly is literally going to burst open. Just something I need to be conscious of, I guess. I will add it to the list of the "pregnancy suprises/challenges" that I've learned. Also going on the list of suprises this week- it IS possible to get out of breath painting your toenails and my personal favorite- who knew putting on your underpants would become such a challenge? (I don't know if it's the whole balance thing, mixed with weight gain, mixed with "not being able to see"below the belly...) but I feel like a weeble-wooble every morning.

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