Monday, September 1, 2008

Officer Jerkface

Our anniversary was going wonderful. We spent the day by the pool at Linda's and even had a surprise visit from Kelly and Avery. We had a delicious dinner at Romanellos.

When we were leaving Romanellos I remembered that Jody wanted French toast for the breakfast the next morning and we didn't have enough eggs. Even though Tops is right down the street we decided to stop out and see my dad. (Jody loves his farm eggs because he says they taste fresh and "yolkier"). Anyways- as we're driving through the boonies of Orchard Park, Jody got pulled over by a state trooper for rolling through a stop sign. I totally thought that we were going to get out of it. Jody (aka the world's best schmoozer) explained that it was our 1st anniversary- we were on our way to stop at my dad's because I was pregnant and not feeling well. (Which was true, I totally overstuffed myself and was complaining, lol) Well, no dice. We got the ticket and the court date is Jody's birthday. Then this jerkface starts telling us congrats- enjoy the baby and about his grand kids. I wasn't in really in the mood to chit-chat with someone who just wrote us a a ticket. Anyways, he did explain how to get out of court and reduce our ticket, so that was nice. On the way home someone was pulled over in the same exact spot.

Oh and the rumor is true- your wedding cake tastes yucky on your anniversary! =) To be fair, I don't think we wrapped ours well.

I do have some good news. Remember how mad I was at Target for back ordering and "online-only"'ing our bedding? Well I bid on it (for like the 4th time) on ebay last night and won! I'm biased but I think it's just adorable. The last few times I've "lost" the auction there were well over 30 bids for the set. I wasn't planning on winning... and spending the money but oh well, it can be my early birthday gift to myself.

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