Wednesday, October 29, 2008

39 wk appt

I'm off "sick" again so I'll blog =) I had my Dr's appt this morning. Everything is still going well. I had a little scare because of the nurse. She told me that my blood pressure (which averages like 120 over 75'ish) had jumped to 140 over 92. I'm no nurse but I know that blood pressure is one of the "things to watch" at the end of pregnancy. When my Dr came in for the internal exam he took my BP 4 times throughout our checkup and each time it came up around my normal rate- he averaged it at 120/74. He said the original reading may have just been a fluke. phew! As predicted, my weight gain has finally slowed down. I've only gained 1 lb in 3 weeks. I'm not dilating yet but I'm "more than half way thinned". I really thought I would be at least 1 b/c of all the contractions I've been having. I guess they are still those Braxton Hicks. It's not like they hurt- it's just that my tummy gets rock hard like it's flexing and then I feel a little pressure down below. He reassured me (like everyone else) that dilation means nothing. He said that with the baby's head being engaged so low he has a feeling that he will come this weekend. He said he'd bet me a buck that he comes Saturday. I wonder if he was just telling me what he thought I wanted to hear. Oh well- I'll take it.

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