Thursday, October 9, 2008

Weirdest "Compliment" ever.

..."You have a great pelvis!"

Today was my 1st internal appt. As I suspected my lil peanut is in the head down position with his little fanny pushing out just above my belly button. My feet are still ugly but apparently normal and healthy. The nurse went to measure the fundal height (that's pubic bone to top of uterus for you non preggos) and she looks and me and says, "wow! you're really full in there." My fundal height was measuring right on track but apparently I feel very "full and compact". She went on to do the internal and that's when I got the "compliment" about my pelvis. She told me not to let anyone order an ultrasound (there are 5 Dr's at my office) to try to scare me about the baby's weight- she said that they're usually inaccurate and I should be just fine. I guess my body was just built for this big baby. I'm not dialated yet but my cervix is thinned to 50%. I got a lil packet info about "the big day" (parking, signing in etc...) it's so close!

I am BEYOND excited. Plus Jody talked to his boss today- between his paternity leave and vacation he will have almost a whole month off paid leave when Justin gets here. I couldn't be happier. I have been daydreaming about it all day now. Our little family- spending our 1st month together. It will be just starting to snow,I'll make cookies with hot chocolate, Jody and I will snuggle on the couch watching a movie with baby Justin sleeping in my arms. I don't know what I did to deserve a life like this but I feel like the luckiest woman alive.

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