Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Today I had my weekly Dr's appt. The Dr that I met with today I really like (I rotate at a group practice). He looks and talks like Dr. Drew, from that old show Loveline. He never really gives me the %'s/numbers as far as progress goes but he's really nice. He said that he can feel the baby's head up in my cervix. Anyways, this is the 2nd Dr to point out that it feels "a really good size baby is packed in there" so he ordered an ultrasound for my next appt. I know that those ultrasounds can be "off" so I wouldn't make any bets based on it but I was SOO excited. I never thought I was going to get another ultrasound and even just a quick peek at the baby would make this wait a little easier. Then I get home and re-check my appt card, the receptionist made the appt for the wrong week (11/4 instead of 10/28) when I called to fix the error there were no appts open for next week =( My office only does ultrasounds on Tues or Thurs. The woman on the phone was really nice and said to call back Monday and see if there were any cancels. I love baby Justin and I honestly love being pregnant but I am getting veeeeery impatient to meet him.

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