Friday, October 3, 2008

Whoa- tomorrow?!?!

...Is exactly 1 month from my due date. Now I know that a due date is only an estimate and most people can give or take 2 weeks but that's pretty darn exciting! Tonight Gram and Linda both told me I look really "low". Hopefully that means baby Justin is moving down to where he needs to be. My original guess was 10/31 but for some reason the date 11/6 has been sticking out in my head. I think he's going to be fashionably late.

Today my dad was over so he helped me set up the window treatments for the nursery. They look just adorable. I feel a little better compared to last night's hysterical breakdown. I was putting away laundry, I folded up all the baby blankets/towels from the shower and then it hit me... I have no where to put these. I looked at all the shower gifts, still in boxes/bags in the living room and my crazy kitchen (our new oven is being installed) and I just lost it. Our house looks like a disaster zone- it hasn't been this messy since we've moved in. I have lots of projects this weekend, haha.

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