Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Yabba Dabba Do! (36 weeks)

Great- last night while I was sleeping someone cut off my feet and replaced them with Fred Flintstone's feet. It's not that my feet hurt or anything, they just look soo ugly. Normally I have very bone-y (and vein-y, sorry I know, it's gross)feet. Now they look like 2 cooked sausages, haha! Oh well...good bye ankles- see you in a few weeks =)

Here is my 36 week belly pic. I wanted my work clothes off ASAP so I got brave and went bare tummy- oooh!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You even have a gorgeous belly! It looks like one of those model bellies when you just see the belly in the ad... So cute and perfect!