Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Mood swing

Okay, so I played hooky (hookey? how do you spell it?) today from work because I had a mid-morning Dr's appt, like the previous post says. I figured I deserve a day or 2 to relax before the baby gets here and enjoy my last few moments of silence. Ugh- wrong. All I can think about is how bad I want the baby to come. Everything is ready and just waiting, including me. My "impatience" has grown into quite a bit of grumping over the day. I don't know how I'm going to wait this out. I know, I know- it's already been 38 weeks, what's a few more days, right? NO! I am just DYING to know when "the day" is going to be. I just have this bad feeling he's going to be late and I can't imagine 3 more weeks of waiting and wondering! AHHHHHH!!! I'm going bananas over here!

Alright- mood swing/vent over, thanks for reading.

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