Thursday, October 23, 2008

Good day!

At like 1am last night I realized I should have asked my Dr's office if they could fit me in for Thurs (today) instead of next week when there was no appts. Sure enough I got up this morning, called when the office opened and they were able to get us in for 1pm today. Jody even got to take an extended lunch to come with me =)

The tech said that she hasn't seen this much movement from such a big baby in a long, long time. Yep- that's our boy, he's a squirmer! Oh and he is definitely a boy. I asked if we could just peek there real quick and there were indeed boy parts. Even though it was confirmed 100% at 19 weeks I just wanted a little more assurance. What I thought was pushing/squirming actually turns out that it's a contraction. Sweet- let's go baby.

For a growth ultrasound they measure several areas on the baby (head, belly, bum etc...)and then they measure the fluid levels. The computer averages all the measurements and comes up with a number. At just over 38 weeks baby Justin is 7lbs 14 oz. His measurements are in the 79th percentile. The tech said that if I go to 40 weeks he would be about 9 lbs. My guess is the baby pool was 8lbs 11 oz at 5 days early. I think I'll be pretty darn close. She said that his head is very low. We got to see him taking his "practice breaths" so that's a very good sign for his lungs.

I have no pictures because the poor little guy is so smushed in there you couldn't see much of what was what.

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