Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween

Well today is my day in our online baby pool. I would have loved to win but I'm afraid nothing's doin' down there. I'm still having a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions. Also, he does this thing where (I'm assuming it's stretching) he pushes out his little bum super hard- it feels like a contraction but it's only in one spot. I had a lovely lunch with my sister- eggplant parm of course- now is no time to stop trying all these old wives tales. If you really think about it, he's not even due yet. He still has 4 more days. When I think about how scary preemies look in the hospital or the kind of complications they can have, I'm actually grateful. I just have to stay in the mindset that I am so lucky to have a healthy body that will nurture a baby for so long. Plus, Jody told me that he doesn't want the baby to have a Halloween birthday. I guess he's right- I have an uncle with a Halloween Bday and he always seemed a little weird...and smelled like pickles. Today is a wonderful, glorious day. It was my last day of work! Yep- I'm officially on Maternity leave. I walked out those doors today, in the 60 degree weather and I was so happy I almost cried. The 1st of the month is kind of a big day in our house. Our "dating anniversary" was April 1st and our kitty's birthday is March 1st. Maybe baby Justin is just waiting for 11/1 so that he can keep the consistency.

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