Saturday, July 5, 2008

Break time- again.

I'm taking a break from my housecleaning to "blog" even though I don't have much to write. When I'm home alone I do really like to clean, it's just that I get tired so easy now. I just swept then mopped the front den and the kitchen and it feels like I ran a marathon. Phew.

We had a very wonderful and wholesome 4th of July. We got to hang out with "both families" so it was great. We went swimming, tanned and ate hot dogs with the White side. Then we went to my Dad's for a BBQ (steak, clams, fruit). We played with the animals, the boys (and Kim) played baseball, we built a bonfire (S'mores -YUM) and then the guys blew off a bunch of fireworks my dad smuggled. Just a nice relaxing day.

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