Monday, July 14, 2008

Viable? wow.

I can't believe it. 24 weeks marks our little baby being "viable". From what I've read that means that he could be born any day now with a good chance at survival (with lots of help from the NICU). That is such an awesome feeling. He still has lots of growing to do (he's gaining about 5-6oz per week at this stage!) so I'd like him to "bake" at least 12-14 more weeks.

Yesterday, I didn't feel much movement from the baby. I got a little nervous that I "over-did it" with cleaning all day in this heat and something was wrong. However, this morning he was awake doing his normal power kicks during our whole drive to Batavia and most of the morning meeting. On the way home I was reading my "what to expect" book and there was a section on movement. The section basically said, "If the mommy-to-be is very active don't expect to feel much movement. When you are moving are less aware of his movements and- b.your movement rocks and soothes the baby, just like how you would rock or soothe a newborn in your arms." I thought that was just adorable! I read about how he hears sounds outside the womb and taste the foods I eat. He has such a little personality and he's not even born yet. Now that he can hear I keep telling him how excited I am to meet him :)

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