Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sexy can you...what?

Oh music these days. After hearing that "sexy can I?" song Jody is convinced that classical music better "get cool" before our kids get radios. Then, for work, we are doing these mini-camps where girls come for 3 afternoons to do crafty stuff. It's really fun and I love working with the little girl scouts. There are like 10 adorable, little pigtailed girls. Well 1 is sitting painting a sun catcher and I hear her singing, "I kissed a girl and I liked it" (that horrible song from the radio), my jaw just dropped. Was I that naive to expect to hear Hannah Montana or High School Musical? We're getting old.

I had a Dr appt this morning that went very well. My blood pressure, measurements and his heartbeat were "perfect". I am up a voluptuous 16 lbs (I'll be taking my 23 week pic tonite.) I have to schedule a routine glucose test for the end of the month. I found out no more ultrasounds (I was sad- they are SO cool) but this means the next time I see baby Justin will be live in person. Exciting!

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